Our head teacher, Fiona Julia Walmsley, is a highly qualified professional teacher and assessor, having the following qualifications:
- BA(Hons)(UCW, Aberystwyth).
- Certificate in Education(UCLAN).
- PGCE in SpLD(Dyslexia) (University of Edinburgh).
- CELTA(University of Cambridge.
- Irlen Screener (Irlen Institute, California).
- Initial Certificate in Christian Counselling(Kings Communication).
- Associate Member of the British Dyslexia Association.
- APC.
- Member of Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties.
She has experience teaching in a wide range of educational settings including schools, colleges and universities, the Armed Forces, British Aerospace, community projects, Home Schooling and business settings abroad. She has also undertaken the marking of GCSE papers in English and English Literature.
We offer superb teaching programmes in the following areas:
- English including reading, comprehension, spelling, punctuation and grammar, free writing and handwriting.
- English Literature.
- English as a Second Language.
- Business English.
- Maths.
- Science.
- Geography.
- History.
- IT.
- RE.
- Humanities.
- The Arts.
- Home Schooling in a range of subjects.
- Touch typing .
- Study Skills.
- Assignment writing skills.
- Proof reading skills.
- Basic musical notation .
- Support in the workplace
- Academic support for any degree subject .
- Functional skills.
- Family Literacy
In addition we offer holistic advice and treatment in the identification of
- Irlen Syndrome
- Food allergies and intolerances
- Vitamins and supplements
- Educational exercise
- Life coaching, motivational skills and counselling
Useful links:
- Patoss (Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties)